cloud background
building background
mountain background
sea background
fast movement
scale variation
no-target scene
large target
medium target
small target
tiny target

Subset for Each Track
Train-Track1: 223 videos for training your algorithm.
Train-Track2: 223 videos for training your algorithm.
Train-Track3: 200 videos for training your algorithm.
Test-Track1: 216 videos for the final submission for track 1.
Test-Track2: 216 videos for the final submission for track 2.
Test-Track3: 100 videos for the final submission for track 3.
Attribute Description
Attribute |
OV/VE | Out-of-View:the target moves out of the current view. |
OC | Occlusion: the target is partially or heavily occluded. |
FM | Fast Motion: the target moves quickly. |
SV | Scale Variation: the scale of the bounding boxes over the frames vary significantly. |
TC/IC | Thermal/Infrared Crossover: the target has a similar temperature to other objects or background surroundings. |
DBC | Dynamic Background Clusters: there are dynamic changes (e.g., waves, leaves, birds) in the background around the target. |
LR | Low Resolution: the area of the bounding box is small. |
TS | Target Scale: the target is with a tiny, small, medium or large scale. |